SO time for a Dead Night update!
I'm still editing and adding the new scenes in the book, but my 'editor' and I have now started going back through and finalizing now, so not far off!
We have a soundtrack in the making! It's full of beautiful instrumentals based on the book by Adam who also designed the cover of the book, which is also finalized.
We have a trailer in the making, to Dead Night's very own theme! You'll be able to watch this on my youtube channel very soon, it'll be out before the book. I'll keep you posted for the date!
I'm also being interviewed! It'll be on the old youtube.
We're looking for questions from readers actually so if you've read the book. and want to know something you know how to contact me! Email, dA, or leave a comment here ^_^
Finally I'm taking the book down from this blog on 1st June or thereabouts, and it will be replaced by a preiew of the updated vesrion.
Well, that's everything so here's an owl:
-I. I. Laverick
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