Monday, 27 May 2013

Things to come...

SO time for a Dead Night update!

I'm still editing and adding the new scenes in the book, but my 'editor' and I have now started going back through and finalizing now, so not far off!

We have a soundtrack in the making! It's full of beautiful instrumentals based on the book by Adam who also designed the cover of the book, which is also finalized.

We have a trailer in the making, to Dead Night's very own theme! You'll be able to watch this on my youtube channel very soon, it'll be out before the book. I'll keep you posted for the date!

I'm also being interviewed! It'll be on the old youtube.
We're looking for questions from readers actually so if you've read the book. and want to know something you know how to contact me! Email, dA, or leave a comment here ^_^

Finally I'm taking the book down from this blog on 1st June or thereabouts, and it will be replaced by a preiew of the updated vesrion.

Well, that's everything so here's an owl:

-I. I. Laverick

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Stepping into character's shoes...

Evening all! Very sorry again for inactivity, but I've had to swat up for my History exam which was today... honestly, I'm just hoping it went well but enough about that.

I actually wanted to show you what some friends and I have been up to lately; cosplaying as my characters! I might make a page for this, but it depends what happens. We're (well, me anyway) really hoping to shoot a book trailer to promote Dead Night when it comes out! Although of course I won't be wearing the big foofy dress I chose for MCM Birmingham comic con! So here... have some 'concept art' (big thank you to my friends and Adam for taking most of the photographs you will see here!)

Dead Night (Cybelle DeHamphir, James Lovett and Lizzie Vice)

^ Cybelle DeHamphir, Chimera ball concept and rapier taken at MCM Birmingham comic con 2013
 ^Elizabeth Vice in Assassin Uniform (1) taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
 ^Lizzie Vice Assassin's uniform (2) taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
 ^Cybelle De Hamphir formal attire taken at MCM Birmmingham 2013
 ^Cybelle DeHamphir and Lizzie Vice with weapons taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
 ^Cybelle and James time jump! (Thanks a million to the chap dressed as the Master Cheif, he was getting harrassed for photographs quite frequently!) Taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
 ^Cybelle and James time jump.... a little bit more! Taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
 ^Cybelle DeHamphir masquerade taken at MCM Birmingham 2013
^James Lovett (an old one because at the last Expo he was on the other end of the camera for most of it XD) Taken at MCM Birmingham 2012
 Un-named project and Night history/folktales, Ezlorea Rose Dawnstarre, Lady of the Amaranth
 ^Ezlorea taken at Middle Earth Weekend 2013
 ^Ezlorea taken at Middle Earth weekend 2013
^Ezlorea taken at Middle Earth Weekend 2013
Just a couple of updates before I go and sleep off that damn exam!
  • I am indeed still working on Dead Night and currently I am around half way in, and writing a brand new scene for Miss Avangelene. Around July, the full book will be taken off my blog and replaced with a preview to stop lazy people. ;) I am also in the process of designing art posters and jewellery inspired by the book, and will be sold in Madam Takara's.
  • Reign of Hearts is also still in progress but I have taken a break from it in order to focus on my exams and then Dead Night. It will be continuing, just not yet. ^^
  • The first installment of the 'Eternal' series is in progress and you can see the illustrations on my dA account at the moment. It won't be a fast writing process though, it is likely to end up being a paving slab.
  • Madam Takara's is now selling fantasy portrait commissions for £10; will draw OCs and existing characters. See the shop for details.
Until next time :)
Love and tea
-I. I. laverick